Age of Empires Castle Siege Wiki

"Valiant war heroes could often turn the tide of battle through rallying cries and brillant strategy."


  • The Hall of Heroes unlocks and upgrades all heroes. Select the heroes you will take into battle there. The Hall of Heroes is also where heroes recover from battle.
  • Each civilization gets their first hero for free when a Hall of Heroes is built. After that every hero must be purchased with Pennants.
Level Health Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time Age Required
1 4,350 Health  2,750 Food 3h Age 3
2 5,225 Health 15,000 Food 1d Age 5
3 6,000 Health 80,000 Food 2d Age 6
4 6,900 Health 975,000 Food 7d 12h Age 8

Hero Hall of Heroes Level
1 2 3 4
Britons1Richard the Lionheart 1 2 3 4
Byzantines1Belisarius 1 2 3 4
Franks1Charles Martel 1 2 3 4
Kievan Rus1Sviatoslav I of Kiev 1 2 3 4
Saracens1Tariq ibn Ziyad 1 2 3 4
Teutonic Order1Hermann von Salza 1 2 3 4
Britons2Henry V - 1,2 3 4
Byzantines2John Kourkouas - 1,2 3 4
Franks2Charlemagne - 1,2 3 4
Kievan Rus2Rurik - 1,2 3 4
Saracens2Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik - 1,2 3 4
Teutonic Order2Conrad the Elder - 1,2 3 4
Britons3Edward the Black Prince - - 1 2
Byzantines3Nikephoros II Phokas - - 1 2
Franks3Joan of Arc - - 1 2
Kievan Rus3Alexander Nevsky - - 1 2
Saracens3Saladin - - 1 2
Teutonic Order3Winrich von Kniprode - - 1 2

Economy FarmSiloMillLumberyardQuarryStorehouseCathedralRoad
Fortification Archer TowerCrossbow TowerBallista TowerFlame TowerMusket TowerCatapult EmplacementTrebuchet EmplacementWatch SignalGuard HousePatrol PointCaltropsEngineer TrapFire TrapWall
Military Army CampBarracksCultural BarracksStableHall of HeroesEmbassyArchery RangeSiege WorkshopUniversity
Other Buildings KeepHonor